

There are no words to describe the Sacred, as well as there are no words for „Eternity“ or „Timelessness“. And still, there are moments in life when we experience an unique feeling of connection and happiness, when everything stops. It is as if a gateway opened and we stepped into a dimension outside of time – into a space animated by the energies of creation of the Soul…

All our life we are looking for those moments of grace that we can find doing what we love  – music, poetry, dance, sciences, Some of us find them through spiritual practices. What every single spiritual tradition of the world teaches us is rituals, simple and concrete ways of bringing the presence of the Sacred into the Here and Now. In shamanism we become „technicians of the Sacred“  bringing tangible changes into everyday´s life.

Through music, the force and depth of ceremonies gets amplified, clearing our perception, creating space in our inner world and leading us into the Heart. The sacred sounds of the chanted mantras, of the drum, harp and cello, coming out of the moment, improvized, align us to the vibration of the Soul, reset and allow us to come into touch with the Creator and to feel that we are One with the whole of Creation.

The ceremonies are used for celebrating life´s Transitions – coming into adolescence, marriage, the birth of a child, moving to a new place, getting a new job, the death of a beloved person.


    • DESPACHO – Traditional ceremony of the Andean shamans of thanking and bringing balance with Nature´s Forces, the Despacho is a manadala-like offering which is built on the earth or on a piece of paper. Consisting of 3 layers it represents the map and mirror of the Andean cosmogony – these corresponding to the Three Worlds: the Underworld (the subconscious) , the Middle World (the conscious) and the Upper World (the superconscious). Alining these levels, spiritual energies can circulate freely, bringing healing, harmony and abundance. The Despacho is made of natural elements and can be „entrusted“ for transformation to the Earth or to the Fire in ceremony.

    Despacho can be made for health and balance – „Ayni“, the right relationship, success in the profession, harmonious relationships, wedding, the birth of a child, the construction of a building, a new home, etc.


  • FIRE CEREMONY – Ceremony for the alchimization of the inner transformation processes. It is held at Full and New Moon, and when a healing process has been completed. Depending on our intention, our inner state and the community we share it with, the Fire will always give us a different „feedback“. Building a relationship with Him through our practice, the Fire becomes our master, teaching us how to be connected with Him and the whole Life.
  • SOLSTICE CEREMONIES – they are attuned with Nature´s rhythms and the pulse of Life. Expressing our gratitude we bring ourselves into balance with Nature planting seeds for the future who will come to fruition. 




  • CEREMONIES WITH MUSIC & SHAMANISM – they are held in the context of workshops and spiritual events, being created every time spontaneously, inspired by the Connection with Soul.
    • JOURNEY INTO INFINTY: This is a journey to explore what comes after Death, the worlds and realms that await us, the dimensions beyond time and space, and the mystery of Life. “What happens after we die? Do we continue to exist? And if so, what experiences do we have?…” We all ask ourselves these questions at some point in our lives.”Journey into Infinity” responds to these through music, through the sounds that come from the Space of the Soul, from timelessness, with a story, with a map of the Journey: there are 8 pieces interwoven with sound effects and sounds from Nature, each of which reveals a landscape, an experience, a threshold that is crossed:

      The Departure – The Tunnel – The River of Memories – The Mirror – The Rebirth – The World of the Ancients – The Veil on Infinity – At the Beginning of Time. This work is dedicated to my father Mugurel, who left the physical dimension not long ago. He always liked to share good and beautiful things with others, and from the new land where he arrived, he guided me, allowing me to accompany him on his new journey.

      “Journey into Infinity” is the theme of a one-hour contemplative-experimental harp and cello concert, with guided meditation, sound effects and, possibly, video projection. Our wish is that, through “Journey into Infinity”, we create a quiet, magical space for introspection and lived experience, for connecting with the Soul and the divine Essence within us.

      The Tunnel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tSp2EsHJ1Qo 
      The Mirror: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IfYekYobJzQ