Sound Therapy

“If you want to find the secrets of the Universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”  Nikola Tesla

Since ancient times the wisdom keepers of humanity have known that we are all Energy, and that everything is vibration. Sound has been used in various cultures for thousands of years as a tool for healing. Whether through the use of Mantras in the Hindu tradition, or the Icaros – medicinal tunes – in several Indigenous tribes in Central and South America, or the throat singing in Mongolia, these various techniques have all the same intention: to take us from a place of imbalance to one of balance.

 Modern science has revealed that which has been known for a long time by these ancient cultures: the natural frequency of the human being is 432 Hz which is exactly the frequency  of the Earth. We and Mother Nature share the same vibration, the same pulse. As the Earth is shifting its´ planetary pulse, going through a profound transformation, we too, humans, are challenged to rise our vibration, awakening to a new awareness and taking this step together with our communities.

“In the beginning was the word. And the word became flesh.”, is written in the Bible.

Our thoughts, feelings and words leave traces and create harmonious and beneficial patterns or disharmonious and perturbing ones, from the ethereal  to the cellular level.

 The sounds of the harp and cello, of the drum, rattle and koshi, as well as the enchanted mantras, in ceremony, act like a luminous river that removes our inner dams at all levels: they release the heavy energies from the body and bring us to the place of the Mythic, connecting us to the Soul and the Inner Wise. In this process Music guides us into the place of Intuition, we remember that we are Spirit – and our inner channel to the Upper World opens up and we are able to receive revelatory and healing messages. We return from this experience with a new Vision that calls us to fulfill and manifest it in our life.