
ILLUMINATION – The foundation of the energetic healing practices, the Illumination consists in the combustion of the heavy energy „hucha“ which has been accumulated in the energetic system. These accumulations slow down or even block the activity of the chakras, affecting the good functioning of the corresponding organs. Through the Illumination the hucha gets eliminated and the energy flow is restored, cleaning the Light Energy Field (LEF) of the toxic imprints.
This practice can be effectuated in the presence of the client, or at the distance.

EXTRACTION – or the energetic surgery, represents the deepening of the Illumination process and applies to those heavy energies that have become crystallized and for whose extraction it is necessary to open the LEF. These solidified energies correspond to long-term blockages and have as consequence physiological pathologic disorders.
In the same category fits also the Extraction of fluid energies. These are intrusive energies and entities that are parasitizing the energetic and nervous system, leading to behaviour deviations and psychic disorders.
Through the technique of extraction with the crystal, these energies are extracted and the „host“ is freed. These practices can be carried out both in the presence of the client, and at the distance.

SOUL RETRIEVAL – can be done after a cycle of therapies that have included Illumination and Extraction.
The Soul Retrieval represents the shamans´s craft and consists in the shamanic journey of retrieving a Soul Part that has split off as a result of a trauma. In the shamanic tradition illness is the expression of an energetic imbalance or of a Soul loss. Through the alienation of a Soul Part, the spiritual resources are depleted and the destiny derailed. Finding that cuantum of energy that belongs to the Soul, the shaman engages in order to bring it back home, recreating the originary unity and harmony on all levels of life. The Soul Retrieval can be effectuated in the presence of the client, as well as at the distance.

MYTHIC MAP – crowns the process of restoring the physical and soul´s unity and integrity and is a process in which both shaman and client are equally involved. This departs from the premise that the human being is a system of 4 bodies: energetic-spiritual, soul-mythic, psychological-mental and physical.
Using the elements that have been integrated as a result of the therapies, the client is supported to find on the spiritual level that energetic model. After an individual 28 days long practice, this will become an integrating part of the new paradigm, a behaviour model which anchors the healed state at the physical level.

DISENGAGING Fight-or-Flight – (or decoupling) – reminiscence of the survival instinct localized in the lymbic brain, this sets off the reaction fight-or-flight, and at the same time massive quantities of adrenaline into the body. In contact with everyday´s life stress, this reaction overloads the nervous system and the organism with amounts of adrenaline that become toxic, producing nervosity, the weakening of the immune system and of the capactiy to concentrate. Through the decuppling the whole body releases and frees up, eliminating the harmful effects of adrenaline and realigning the biological and psychic parameters.
Decuppling fight-or-flight can be effectuated both in the presence of the person and at the distance.

CUYA LIMPIA – an ancient technique of releasing tensions, it is done using 2 healing stones Kuyas which belong to the shaman´s mesa – healing bundle. Treating the whole body, they „clean“ at the physical and energetic levels producing a state of reinvigoration and freshness. Kuya Limpia can be also used in the case of migraines, affections of the skin, problems with the muscles, tendons and articulations, and for different diseases of the inner organs.
This technique can be done only in the presence of the client.

HOUSE CLEARING – equivalent with the „desinfection“ of the habitable spaces – houses, flats, offices – of intrusive energies and entities.
Through detection techniques the „parasitated“ places are identified and cleared by a technique similar to the fluid Extraction. The clearing of a space is followed by Illumination in order to free the energetic field of the client of the affinities with these energies. To close the procedure an offer is brought in ceremony to the place, called Despacho.

DESPACHO – Ritual traditional al samanilor andini de multumire si aducerea echilibrului cu Fortele Naturii. Despacho este o ofranda asemanatoare mandalei, care se construieste pe pamant sau o bucata de hartie. Consista din 3 straturi corespunzatoare celor Trei Lumi: Lumea de Jos (subconstientul), Lumea de Mijloc (constientul), si Lumea de Sus (supraconstientul). Aliniand aceste planuri, energiile spirituale pot sa circule liber, aducand vindecare, armonie si abundenta. Despacho se alcatuieste din elemente naturale si poate fi incredintat pentru transformare Pamantului sau ars in Ceremonialul Focului.