The Sound Map of the Soul

“The Sound Map of the Soul” – Concert for cello and harp at the Anglican Church Bucharest

Friday, the 25th of April at 19 o´clock

In this concert we will explore the Sound Map of the Soul. Diving into the harmoniously merging sounds of the cello and the harp, we will be crossing whole landscapes and cultures, overcoming the limits and frontiers of time and space and discovering how people used to express their feelings and experiences through Music.

Soul Merge

“SoulMerge” – from the Earth to the Sky

The voice of the Soul is the one who always guides us towards our highest good. But it doesn´t sound like a thunder but rather like the murmur of a spring, the wind blowing through the leaves of a tree, or the strings of a harp.

Sunday, 30 October, from 10 to 18.30.

Venue: Resort Casa Comana, 45 minutes from Bucharest, in the midst of Nature.